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Monday, November 16, 2009

hahahs, Fabin is really funny on this video! :D

writtern @2:02 PM

Saturday, July 4, 2009

writtern @1:38 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009

hi guys,
it had been ages since i last pposted,
i know :D
today results came out,
of course, ppass also not good der pass larhs, get C6 nia :D (better than failing)
Chemistry- B4 (COOL! I got a B for science!)
Physics- C5 (can just give me more marks?)
HCL (not hydrochloric acid)- B3 (unexppected! -.-'')
Humanities- C5- i nid 0.7 marks to go to a B4! (RAHHS!)
Amaths- B4 (okayys larhs, i didnt get 20/100 for my CA!)
Emaths- A1 (this is th best!)

Wondering about my level and class position...
lost out to many people...
but nevertheless,
my level position: 64/203
My class position: 24/41

lousy right?
but its stil okay to me :D
will work harder and make a comeback! (sorryy siewhong for using your copyrighted speech!)

hehehe, go play gmes lerhs! :D

writtern @2:15 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note,
A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.
Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,
And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.
If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?
If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?
hehehe... find it familar?
i took from xiaojie blog :D
hehehe, super busy week larhs..
why like everyweek got test der?
and somemore that ** ***, she very KB.
what u wann me tuhh do?
everytime change here change there.
she think her hmwk very easy do, very fast complete izzit?
alamak, two word tuhh describe her larhs- she sucks.
nid go off lerhs, orelse my mum wann kill me again if she discovered that i went online...
[i'm given a permanent ban :X ]

writtern @11:52 AM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

went to find my uncle today morning :D
dad's bicycle tyre punctured.
went tuhh find him for help [he's a good repairist]
after that, ta da~ done
went tuhh kranji sea there and also
after that went tuhh IMM :D:D
brought SUSHI~~
then after that went tuhh prime supermarket,
brought kway tiao :D
after that horhs, my dads tyre punctured again~

writtern @4:58 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

hihi, one perfect normal day again :D:D
as usual, went tuhh bukit batok tuhh colelct and give out stocks [=
went tuhh mac :D
den went tuhh JP,
saw ruiqi heading tuhh tuition there :D
after that went tuhh wallet shop and brought myself a pencil case, [mine super old lerhs :X]
after that went home~
ohshit, forget tuhh buy new wallet-.-''
next time den buy barhs :D

my new pencil case :D
nice right?

writtern @3:03 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009

hohoho :D
today was a nice day. first period was taken by mrs leong, i felt that it is too long and naggy... if the red cross people read this
can i ask u a favour if u are organising for nxt yeaR?
please please please dun write so long der script can?
den got maths :D everything went super well...
Chemistry in lesson, thats what i wanted ~~
recess, sians -.-'' nothin much tuhh do marhs :X
after that, did the readers digest, mrs pan nortt here... sad, i wanted tuhh learn Singlish. :D
went tuhh watch movie :D hehehe, was asked tuhh do a 300 words thing about my DREAMS~
hehehe, chinese lerhs then go CCA.
today okok lurhhs, played games with the sec ones ~ wet my self :S
took a lot of photos, just see and u will realise :D

thanks nurul for the valentine chocolate~

xiaojie stepping the ballon, part of the orientation game :D

my balloons ~~

see, ruiqi so guai, so see mr ong for maths during bonding :D
*p.s. mr ong brought valentine flowers

whacko~ we all nv play, we just watch them play :D hehehe

me and mingru inside the toilet :D

wanyi was blocking me just now ~ but den i took it anyway :P

writtern @5:52 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

hey guys, just discovered my blog der password :D
hehehe, finally able tuhh do some blogging :D:D
today, nothing happened much sia, first lesson, CME, miss siti sooo cute~~
den after that got english, i learnt that pronunciation is IMPORTANT..
got chinese, place everything onto table then runnnn to toilet~~ woots <3
recess, very sian, brought graph paper, my money gone :S:S
but never mind :X
hahas, maths, completing the square, hahaha, okok larhs :D
chemistry and physics so 'fun' ~
went to interview mr Soo,
went to KFC after that and saw yvonne they all- they have been betting that i'll be in KFc -.-''
i think thats all :D:D
at least i updated :D

writtern @4:31 PM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


writtern @5:41 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

hellos xD
back for posting again ...
the problem which caused me to be angry last friday is finally solved :)
luckily it's solved, orelse i big head (head too big will fall down).
today is simply a boring day (not really boring, it's just very normal)
first lesson: Science
science was actually delayed.
all thanks to the annoucement at the hall.
call us wait then in the end say pay CCA photo when i don't wanna to!
today i very guai, copy down what the cher said in physics lesson =)
hahaha! after that: mathematics,
test for 15mins, must finish 4questions+1graph, need rush der lorhs
rush like so *******
then als0 right, got english.
english for 2hours,
we are allowed to bring our handphone today
to record our own voice in handphone and hear our own
then do the picture discussion
WAHAHAH! after that chinese for one short while, just fill in the blanks then directly go to assembly
Mr Razak assembly lesson today quite good la
1.20 released liaos.
waited for genevieve at going my house derhs bus-stop
she ate in my house then after that we go gekpoh together
then wann go arcade,
she wear skl uniform cannot go in
then i go buy a new wallet then go back home,
met tommy on my way back, talk for a while,
really a while
because i live at 2nd floor nia.
i think that that's all for today :D

writtern @5:15 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

i learnt two thing today
in fact, three
1) reality is always so harsh
2) even if uii speak the truth, people (stupid idoits) will often think that uii are lying
3) people don't care about how uii feel no matter how correct uii are, people will simply thinks that they themselves are correct.
i don't really know what happened this afternoon, it's just starts with some ****** smses and it simply turn out to be *******.
i really blame myself,
what happens if i did not reply?
will everything turn back alright?
i really miss the innocent days we had when we were in kindergarden
happy, innocent, carefree, with loads of love.
i found out that when we grdually grow up, everything is a MESS!
a total mess......
i don't know what the hell happened today and i just know that today is certainly a day which i don't like and it's tiring.
take it for example, sports day today,
i told myslef that i will complete the race no matter what happened.
but because of that muscle cramp,
i gave up.
then after that, there was actually another thing that makes me very bu shuang today: people with no integrity will do that.
then after that,
at noon when i reached home today, recieved a call+ a sms
that was the thing that change my attitude for the entire day today.
i don't wish to say what's happening .
now, quite happy liaos la.
times past and i really wished to put the thing that happened today behind.
like i always believed, tomorrow will alwyas be a better day.
but it will be better if there's no tuition tonight though xD
i really sleepy and wanna get to a better day fast:D

writtern @6:33 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

resultsd given out by cher
i tot is one cher give one paper
i didn't think that it would be one cher (= Mr Leow) ...
my English sucks (Imagine getting only 22/50 for paper 2 and only 34/60 for paper 1)
hope my CA can pull up my marks lorhhs,
orelse i die terribly
CA, CA, CA, i beg uii larhs,
please help me in English kkaes?
then Geog
done so terribly also,
only 57/100 for the total,
i so damn stupid lorhhs,
cause i mixed up rural and urban,
lost 4 marks just because of that
dun think that 4 marks is so important actually,
now looking at my results
that 4 marks is really important,
cause 4 marks can be B4 liaos -.-"
then chinese also quite bad
paper 1 got only 47/90,
then the cher ystd say,
those who cchoose question 5 and then dissagree with waht dat statment said will fail and counted as out of question.
but then the prob is that i did exactly what the cher called me not to
heng lorhhs, the cher who marks my paper sibei lenient,
really thanks to her/him
paper 2 was not good either,
last year i got 90+ lorhhs,
this year sibei sway
haix, uii know right, nxt wk need to take an express examination,
then if fail need go normal chinese lerhs,
how i hope that i can go to HCL and also CL ,
HCL can have 2 marks less for JC,
then go CL and be with mingru they all
DNT theory okok la
got 43.5/60, hai ok barhs,
wish that practical can score better lorhhs
but impossible, cause my mechanical toy cannot move up and down YYYER !! this year examintions sucks la
Maths okok barhs,
i know to a lot of people it very bad,
for me 66/100 is ok liaos
paper 1 ok, got 37/50, but paper 2 sucks, got only 29/50.
got B3 happy liaos,
cause i last year got only B4 i think
now going to science,
physics ok, bio sucks
i got only 35/50 and then 34/50 for bio only lorhhs
i know this may seems bad to others ,
but this is my first time ever getting a B3 for science
hope that the CA won't pull me down barhs
last paper, literature
my best results for mid-year ever.
HAHAHA, only got 42/50 larhs,
i know this results is not good to haolian
cause got a lot ppl higher than me
but at least this is my best marks ok.
last year examinations not even got a single A1 lorhhs
this year i think can get one A1 barhs,
how i hope my level position can have good good one lorhhs
have nothing to do today,
so nothing to say
finally can have a day off lerhs

writtern @10:55 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

here to blog again :D
today actually nothing to do larhs
woke up this morning, watch a bit of tv
then go makaning again
went to giant.
there der things damn cheap
5 potato costs $0.95
5 oranges from USA der cost $2++ nia
then 3 dragonfruit is about $1.55
everything damn cheap, haixx if not fail Mr soo scold me until i die
i saw one t-shirt was like damn nice.
but i no money lerhs !!
who can get it for me for FOC ?
haha, i wann to wear same spongebob tee as ruiqi !!


writtern @12:56 PM

Saturday, May 10, 2008

here to post agains ...
today, wake up and then saw a message from ruiqi
she say that i bian tai
i where got lorhhs.
she so bad XD ...
hahaha, after that went to GekPoh makan,
go buy peppermint ice blended ( not nice der ) ...
then went to eat,
after that go to a shop, got sell a lot of hello kitty stuffs.
then brought one for her, it's a key holder for Mother's day.
after that hang around at void deck play 'bridge'.
den den go meet customer at city hall lorhhs. ( those who don't know, just to tell uii, i have a blogshop. Click here XD )
after that, i dun know why, i actually wann take $1.70 from her for transport der
but i dun know why,
i doe wan collect money from her
go home after that.
reach home go see wei xiao pasta
now finish disk 13 liaos.
left 5 more to go liaos
then can return her liaos..
go study DNT liaos
orelse mr soo scold me for failing

writtern @5:36 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008

here i am to post again :D
cause if i no update, wanyi will kill people
take a look carefully
she has been backstabbed by me
really stab on her nack, use palm nia.
now her back got a lot of blood XD
HAHAHA, tues got literature test ( DAMN EASY )
Wednesday got Science test ( OKOK LA, MY SCI BAD )
Thursday got Maths part I ( DEAD, SO DIFF !! )
Then today got English, my answers very funny, improper english sia
scared the marker go take away my marks.
amd my summary was like only got 76 words.
i add crap here and there then got 96
haixx, i dead, english comfirm die der.
still left 3 tests to go
- TUESDAY : MATHS PART TWO !! ( Uii may not see me after the exam as i will be killed by the test paper ) ...
wondering whether my whole test will get good good or not
my target this year will be like level 45/200 liddat. then i wann to have at least a A1 this year...
invigilators or markers,
if uii happen to pass by and inspect this post,
give me a pass in my examinations XD

writtern @5:01 PM

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

there's a girl call wanyi to call me update daily,
didn't see her doing the same lorhhs.
today LITERATURE test
study until siao sia
first time study so hard
the test turns out to sooo easy
after test go print things.
science notes,
huiting, ruiqi and JASMINE er wanns
then i let them print lorhhs.
mingru like wait until very angry lerhs
then after this, me and wanyi went to post office
after that go MAC
after that wanyi go COFFEE SHOP buy the fries
after that went home.
literature i wann get A2 and above !!!!!!

writtern @12:07 PM

Monday, May 5, 2008


writtern @2:27 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

know i m troublesome to create this new blog ... doe lyk the url of previous blog.
today damn sick
fever + headache + sorethroat
never sick until so serious ...
tommorrowe sports day ler
hoe i wish i can go skl today
lesson comfirm missed a lot der ...
tat's why i always say tat sick is the worse thing in the world
hope tat i can get well soon barhs ...

writtern @6:45 PM